Community Forum & Panel Discussion: Meaningful Involvement of Young Adults in Charlotte LGBT Organizations

Community Forum & Panel Discussion: Meaningful Involvement of Young Adults in Charlotte LGBT Organizations


Hosted by Campus Pride in partnership with the LGBT Community Center of Charlotte and Time Out Youth

This event takes place on February 12, 2013 beginning at 7:30 p.m. The forum will be held at The LGBT Community Center of Charlotte, 2508 N. Davidson St.

Many LGBT and ally leaders hold misperceptions about young adults in the LGBT community and lack meaningful ways to involve young adults within their LGBT organizations. Young adults have acute perception, unique insights and immense capabilities. For any organization, young adults are an investment that help build sustainability and vigor for the future. Saying that you want “young people” to come to your events or to volunteer is not meaningful outreach and involvement – nor is it enough. All organizations should have active young people who reflect the diverse community as part of the leadership, membership and decision-making processes. How, then, can LGBT organizations tap into young adult energy, passion, and commitment? How do young adults become involved in leadership positions, as active members and part of ongoing actions within an organization? Join Campus Pride and area Charlotte young adults for an interactive panel discussion on their experiences and perspectives on this issue. Learn how your LGBT and ally organization can more effectively outreach to young adult communities in the Charlotte area.

You can find more information about this event on Campus Pride’s webstie.